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Photo du rédacteurMione

Fourth Wing & Iron Flame [English]

Twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail was supposed to enter the Scribe Quadrant, living a quiet life among books and history. Now, the commanding general—also known as her tough-as-talons mother—has ordered Violet to join the hundreds of candidates striving to become the elite of Navarre: dragon riders.

But when you’re smaller than everyone else and your body is brittle, death is only a heartbeat away...because dragons don’t bond to “fragile” humans. They incinerate them.

With fewer dragons willing to bond than cadets, most would kill Violet to better their own chances of success. The rest would kill her just for being her mother’s daughter—like Xaden Riorson, the most powerful and ruthless wingleader in the Riders Quadrant.

She’ll need every edge her wits can give her just to see the next sunrise.

Yet, with every day that passes, the war outside grows more deadly, the kingdom's protective wards are failing, and the death toll continues to rise. Even worse, Violet begins to suspect leadership is hiding a terrible secret.

Friends, enemies, lovers. Everyone at Basgiath War College has an agenda—because once you enter, there are only two ways out: graduate or die


Everyone expected Violet Sorrengail to die during her first year at Basgiath War College—Violet included. But Threshing was only the first impossible test meant to weed out the weak-willed, the unworthy, and the unlucky.

Now the real training begins, and Violet’s already wondering how she’ll get through. It’s not just that it’s grueling and maliciously brutal, or even that it’s designed to stretch the riders’ capacity for pain beyond endurance. It’s the new vice commandant, who’s made it his personal mission to teach Violet exactly how powerless she is–unless she betrays the man she loves.

Although Violet’s body might be weaker and frailer than everyone else’s, she still has her wits—and a will of iron. And leadership is forgetting the most important lesson Basgiath has taught her: Dragon riders make their own rules.

But a determination to survive won’t be enough this year.

Because Violet knows the real secret hidden for centuries at Basgiath War College—and nothing, not even dragon fire, may be enough to save them in the end.


This review contains the first two books of the Empyrean series. Spoilers might occur.


In full transparency... When a book his hyped as much as Fourth Wing was, I always get suspicious, but LORD I UNDERSTAND NOW. I’ve never been invested in a book like that in a long time, seriously, it was addictive. I’ve slept 5h total in 24h just because I wanted to continue and finish it. I. Loved. It.

First of all, yes, the writing is basic, but honestly, with more metaphors and poetic phrasing, the book would have been too heavy to read. The beauty of the story is the characters and the details of the world, so the basic writing was a good point in that case. I made me enter the world with such ease ! Also, yes, there’s cliché and déjà vu. The ambiance felt like Games of Throne, the quadrant felt like Divergent, but I saw a writer using what has been done to help her story, so we can be immersed more easily, instead of just writing a book we already knew about.

Honestly, the story itself was wonderful. The dragons, the magic, the school. I loved that for every big moment of action, we had breaks to breathe with Violet learning things about her and what it means to be a Rider. I don’t know what to say more, I loved it. The final battle against the Venin took my breath away and had me shaking and tearful. Last time this happens it was during the final battle of Hogwarts in the 7th Harry Potter book. It says a lot for me and it’s stressing me out since it’s the FIRST book here, what will happen in the next one if that one had me feel like that?

For the characters, Violet is an absolute favorite of mine. Described as weak and academic, she wasn’t destined to be a Rider, and instead of having the « special girl who has it easy », we have a young woman fighting for her place, for her life. She worked HARD to find that place. She almost died a couple of time. I saw her as the dirty protagonist, almost dead on the ground that was always getting up, never giving up. That was Violet for me. Having two dragons didn’t change her either, she learned so much. And her big heart, her conscience, the fact she wants the best for everyone was the ultimate reason for her success. She helped Rhiannon at the Parapet without hesitation. She saved Liam because it was the right thing to do. She almost gave up her life to save an entire village. Because that’s who she is. That’s why Tairn chose her. That’s why Xander loved her even if he wanted to hate her.

Xander was also an amazing character. Yes, he’s the tortured mysterious boy, but since the beginning he had something to him that made me love him instantly. Maybe it’s the mystery, maybe it’s his personality, I don’t know. Even when he was an ass, there was a reason behind it : protect Violet, protect the squad. I also must admit that the spice scene were…. woh. Dear lord, I felt like I needed to go to church seeking a repent. It was realistic (if we forget the lightning and the shadows lol), it was hot, it was intimate, romantic, erotic. The growls, the acts, I have no shame saying I lived that kind of sex in my life and maybe that’s why I was satisfied with those scenes.

Dain was a piece of shit since the moment we met him. He’s not described as such, on the contrary, he’s the childhood best friend, but something about him was so off for me. His overprotective way with Violet like she’s a small fragile doll needed to be put in storage while she was fighting and learning and be a goddamn badass? Dude, just get out, you useless piece of lying shit. His treason just made me want to rip his face off. Maybe it wasn’t voluntary, maybe he did it to protect Violet like he always said he was, but yeah, no. Hope he dies in the series.

The end had me on my toes, the plot twist was extraordinary, I never saw that coming.

So yeah, basic writing and some déjà vu, but an amazing story with incredible characters. I have to bow in front of this masterpiece I was sure I was going to hate because of the hype. Nope, I’m clearly in the gang of lovers of Fourth Wing without shame.


In full transparency... Sweet Baby Jesus I think I REALLY need to go to the church for the first time in years after what my ears have heard with the audiobook. The spicy scenes were not for me, that’s to say! I'm really not a fan of spiciness in books, it feels like porn without being porn. So, I was just eh... It also felt smuttier than Fourth Wing. I also got myself in a bit of a situation... Hum, don't listen to smutty audiobooks on Bluetooth at maximum level. You know when your neighbors can hear... Ohhhh well, it's a funny story to share. I'm just ashamed and want to move to Mars, but hey, at least Violet got her D. And well, I love Violet with all my heart because she is a badass. My bisexuality just comes out with her. Xaden, get out, let me have my girl.

This book was sometimes a bit flat compared to the first one, but someone told me that it might feel rushed, so I expected it. It sadly was. There are a few scenes I felt like they weren’t necessary or longer than they should. I honestly would have like to learn more about the wards, the wardstones, the journals, the dragon breed. We had a lot in Fourth Wing, but now there’s new information, new discoveries. So I wanted to know more.

The story was still very interesting and engaging. I like the characters. I love loving them and hating them. The first part at Basgiath was incredible. The tension of terror brought by Varrish gave me chills. The interrogation was honestly painful. But it gives us a nice redemption ark for Dain. Kinda. I still think he's a piece of shit.

The second part was a bit less engaging, for me. I lost the ambiance I loved at the school and there’s been so much information, my head was bursting. Yes, it's contradictory with what I just said before. I wanted more, but not like that, not condensed in a hell of a situation. Also, without a map or index or anything, it was difficult, let me tell you that! That's the painful reality of audiobooks.

And the ending ? I’m sorry… WHAT? Okay, the first one ending was surprising. The second one ??? I had doubts but I was telling myself, « lol the author wouldn’t do that, it would be terrifying and horrible ». BUT SHE DID. And now I’m afraid for Onyx Storm.

Let’s all pray together. We are not ready.


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